Friday, September 9, 2011

End of Summer

This week marked the end of summer.  The girls have started back to school after a long break.  They ended May 20th and started back on Sept 7th.  They are in a new school building that is wonderful (so much so that I walked in yesterday and said "I want to work here someday.")  They were ready to be back in a routine, to see friends but also somewhat reserved, not sure what the new year will bring.  So far so good.  Emily is playing on the JV volleyball team, Kate on the 8th grade team and Anya is manager for the high school teams.

It has been raining for the past few days and now the sun is peaking out for the first time in a while.  I guess that means that I should start working outside again.  I have enjoyed a few days reprieve and reading some books, drinking tea interspersed with baking scones and bread.  Today was a volunteer day at 10,000 Villages.

It also feels like the end of summer because the shelves are full - dill pickles are the winner this year with over 80 quarts.  This week was more tomato pizza sauce, grape juice, pear jam, grape jelly, sour cherry jam.  We're enjoying the end of the green beans that finally decided to produce.  We hope to try out ,making ketchup and some things with green tomatoes yet.  The limas should be ready soon along with the squash.  We continue to enjoy watermelon and I'm excited to see the kale, swiss chard, lettuce and spinach up for the fall harvest.

It has been a good summer, filled with lots of memories.  Looking forward to what fall will bring.  I'm feeling in a good space, for which I am grateful.  Still waiting to see what God reveals to me in this stage and am grateful to be embracing it.