So today is Anya's 10th birthday!! Each birthday we retell the girls their birth story. I started telling her last night before bed that when she woke up this morning I would have already gone to Rockingham Memorial Hospital in Harrisonburg. I also told her that she, like her sisters, was overdue. And so by this day I was extremely ready for her to be born - 9 days late is a long time when you are pregnant. Her time of birth is 11:40 a.m. and weighed 9 lbs. 10 oz.
She has a unique story in that she was born while we lived in Roselawn residence hall on the EMU campus and then lived in two more dorms after that - Northlawn & Elmwood. Most kids can't say that they lived on a college campus until they are students there.
Some highlights of recent years:
* Watching her patiently have the newborn kids get use to her and then watch them come running when she got home from school and call for them
* Asking her dad once while we were butchering a turkey and he was gutting, "can little girls stick their hands in there too?"
* Watching her friendship grow with cousin/neighbor, Ginny and riding her bike through the field over to their house to play
* Having her take a liking to an EMU basketball player, MJ, and wanting to stay after a game until she came out of the lockerroom to say good game
* Her taking pride in the fact that she grew two inches in three months over this summer - she keeps trying to see how much more till she's taller than me :) she's currently 4'11 1/2"
All to say, we're excited to celebrate with her today. We're excited to see what this new year will bring. She continues to grow and mature in to a wonderful, fun young lady.
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